Grand Master Chan H. Woo and the instructors at White Tiger Tae Kwon Do School Specialize in working with children. Each child is taught with care, patience, and at each individual level. The program offers a way to let each child know he / she is special and can achieve his / her maximum potential.
Personal Tents:
- Building Confidence: Letting each child believe in themselves to stay strong against adversity
- Learning to Focus and concentrate which in turn helps sharpen listening skills for improvedd grades
- Keeping a postive and enthusiastic attitude which help develop great working skills and habits
- Create, set and strive to achieve personal goals through preserverance.
- Co-operation and Respect create great friendships.
- Better control of behaviour through self-control and discipline.
- Physically improve coordination, flexibility, strength and balance creating a healthier life style.
- Fun and Excxiting classes to keep the child motivated and determined.
Remember..." The Tae Kwon Do Are For Everyone"
You can do it, Good Luck.